Trophy/Achievement – Subversive (Bronze/20) 100 percent Completion Requirements (Gold) -Eliminate all pursuing Merryweather enemies. Everyone meets at the condo in Vespucci Beach. why is it empty like i can see them talking but not visible. P. Making optimal choices, like picking Rickie Lukens as a hacker for The Jewel. if theres no boat just buy rebreathers before the heist and swim underwater jnto the ocean. Tdlr: Minisub mission won't trigger, haven't gotten a phone call. The Merryweather Heist: Freighter Reason: After you complete the heist, regardless of chosen approach, Weazel News radio and Internet article states that the Merryweather container ship sank in the Port of LS. In GTA 5, players can carry out five main heists with varying potential earnings based on methods and choices. Blitz Play Sonar Collections Dock. I even got all gold medals at flight school but I still cannot progress to the. Helicopter and Submarine Mission - The Merryweather Heist - GTA V. You blow up boats that try to get it back. Go to GTA. Having Franklin visit the Shooting Range is not compulsory. You do not get paid for the Merryweather heist no matter option you choose. Alright so, I chose the Freighter option for the Merryweather Heist, and I haven't heard from anyone since. Hello everyone, :confused:I've been replaying the Merry-weather Heist Mission a few times and have gotten over 80% shooting accuracy, even got 93% at one time. Get the second one quickly before he can alert the rest of security. Business, Economics, and Finance. I’m trying to start the merryweather hiest in order to make the 6. Can't progress after merryweather heist. Grand Theft Auto V PlayStation 3 . stuck after Flight school/ merryweather heist setup. Maybe you need to receive the next mission via phone call, make sure your in-game phone is. – C to -7 (S to – Z). I think you need a "sufficient" car with enough seats (so e. I guess there is just a lot to do still. exe. default. On average, the time required to complete the Cayo Perico Heist prep missions can range from 1 to 3 hours, depending on the number of players, their experience and skill level, the chosen approach, and the efficiency of the team. Furthermore, The heist is considered challenging and rewarding and. Okay i'll try waiting after A series, i can't complete it for a couple days though so i'll find out then. I'm doing the Merryweather Heist and chose the path that has Franklin covering Michael from the bridge and now I am stuck. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I don't know what is going on here. So recently I started a save on PC with the intent on getting 100%. The glitches often arise from mistakes or errors in the game's coding which go unnoticed during development and testing of the game. The mod takes several (10-20) minutes to complete without any mod menu. This guide will highlight the main mission strategies and Gold Medal requirements needed to complete. Problem is when I fly away with the sub and the choppers give chase/start shooting, it tells me to switch to Franklin to shoot them down. WORK AROUND #2. The plan is to steal a secret device from Merryweather and, therefore, there are two approaches to completing this heist: Offshore and Freighter. This guide will highlight the main mission strategies and Gold Me. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. the Kortz Center complex (letter B on the world map). i’m playing story mode for the first time and completed the merryweather heist about 10 missions ago. dark. Near the bomb if you take Paleto Bay approach, will spawn a single shark, that will bypass the bomb. Lester warns Trevor, Michael, and Franklin to return the device they stole from Merryweather explaining that it is a highly-dangerous super weapon that would. Log in to add games to your lists. Question: I can’t seemto trigger the last part of the Port of LS Heist. This is Trevor’s first mission, just after he is brought to the story. Right now I'm doing the heist setup for the 3rd heist. Heist #2: [The Merryweather Heist] (/s) Approach: [Option A or B] (/s) Crew: [There is no crew for this particular heist] (/s) Summary: [No matter which way you choose to do this heist, you'll still make $0. I'm doing the Merryweather Heist and chose the path that has Franklin covering Michael from the bridge and now I am stuck. You start off by controlling Michael, temporarily without the possibility to cut to Trevor. Posted October 20, 2014. When you arrive at the security gate to the port entrance to Pier 400,. When you're ready, Trevor must steal a cargobob so they can transport the Submersible to the ocean. The getaway vehicle for Blitz Play only needs to seat one (Franklin) and can be placed by any character. 2. Many people hate the Merryweather option for the weapon prep, so I decided to make a full guide for this mission. Using the Submersible, Trevor looks for the device along the ocean floor and picks it up. The Merryweather Heist: Offshore Approach - Having the choice between assaulting and blowing up a huge freighter and having to waste time sifting through wreckage with the risk of burying or damaging the cargo as opposed to stealing it from a relatively unguarded test site offshore seems like a no brainer, even for Trevor. The weapon can be attained post the 'Minor Turbulence' mission, for $250,000 at any Ammu-Nation depot, or located in the cockpit of the wrecked plane from that mission. The escape with the Gauntlets was cool, though. I didn't know choosing the Offshore target for the Merryweather heist would render the game uncompletable. there is. Posted August 18, 2014. and make your way to the rooftop. Drive it to the waypoint on the Elysian Island bridge. 54 new More Topics from this Board. The Merryweather Heist: Freighter Reason: After you complete the heist, regardless of chosen approach, Weazel News radio and Internet article states that the Merryweather container ship sank in the. I've done all the main story missions, a couple of S&F missions, fully done the flight school with Michael and played as Trevor for a while however I…This Is My First Mission Mod Ever Not That Good But When I Get Better I Will Be Posting More And Pls Do Not Be Mean To Me This Is My First Mission Ok So Yeah To Install - "To Make This Mod Work You Will Need ScriptHookv And ScriptHookv. Use the periscope to shoot the 3 boats and heli. I can't zoom in using the sniper rifle after Mike goes inside the ship. Then land a bit a away from the Avenger, go in and get the weapons. At 16:12 in the below video of the Merryweather Heist Offshore option, there is a HUGE RED X inside a RED BOX. e. This request is optional, and the heist can be completed without any additional grinding. The above takes wayyyy less time than actually doing the mission. look it up. First thing you will need to get for the heist is the submarine, head to the HS way point when it becomes available. Edit: Thanks to effmoo I tried to create a new character, swapped to him and back and got a lot of calls from Lester, Merryweather, etc. When I was trying to progress the story, I had done all regular and side missions, but left Lester for last. Can´t continue the merryweather heist. Merryweather heist setups not popping up. Trevor called Franklin to tell him to get his shooting skills up, so I took Franklin to the shooting range. So I'm on the Merryweather Heist mission and I need to shoot these guards on the freighter as Michael is setting the carges on it. Hey everyone, I am quite frustrated because in singleplayer I can't start the Merryweather Heist in the port. [spoilers] i cant start the merryweather heist. As Franklin, Lester will give you 5 mission to made a lot of money with stock market but it advised to wait for beating the game first before doing them so you can grow your 25+ millions dollars into 1,5+ billions dollars. The mission is encountered a maximum of three times. By the Book. The plan is to steal a secret device from Merryweather and, therefore, there are two approaches to completing this heist: Offshore and Freighter. The preparation missions vary based on the approach chosen in. Ninja – Use stealth to kill 12 enemies. The sonar jammer is of utmost importance to the Cayo Perico Heist in GTA Online. Freighter or Offshore Options in The Merryweather Heist Mission. gta 5 merryweather heist franklin zoom. Board Topics. You have to wait 48 minutes after the A Series finale for Lester to call about the Pacific Standard heist. I have been playing alot of GTA Online. If you use Trevor to start the mission, the mission waypoint will be at the L. Keep it, give it back or give it back & steal it again unnoticed until the end of the story. I got the Sub and the Heli and i got the call from the FIB and Lester and instead of doing those 2 missions i quit and went to go play gta online. As the mission Three's Company features the first meeting of Trevor and Franklin, it must be completed before the main heist is unlocked, though the preparation missions can be done in. That said, the two choices differ in how you approach and complete the mission rather than the final achievements. Get the second one quickly before he can alert the rest of security. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. The Wrap Up. Furthermore, The heist is considered challenging and rewarding and is known. Completing this setup. I have 100% flying with Michael. Wade and Floyd clean up as Michael and Franklin arrive. ; FIB Lot - Once it’s in your possession, lose the cops and take. check your mission replay menu for these. The Big Score. as directed. Shoot down the chopper pilot. Okay, so I just finished the Merryweather Heist with the option where you use submarine and gargobob and I finished collecting the items for the FIB Heist (masks,. User the thermal scope to start picking off the Merryweather guards one by one, going for the headshot (12 are required to 100% the mission), being extra vigilant for targets lined up to take two out with a single shot. My game had nothing else to do, so I completed his mission. Every time I replay the heist I can’t get the Show No Mercenary medal, I’ve even used mods to ensure every enemy is killed but nothing happens. youll need the girl you save from the crash (main highway between paleto bay - mt gordo). Basically, just play the game and wait a bit. Clear out a few more soldiers, plant the tracker, get on the MK II and zoom out of there. In GTA Online, it becomes available after the player downloads The San Andreas Flight School Update. Not only it can go really deep, you're unable to leave the sub after it hits the water. For some reason every time I get over the 80% it will not register and I just keep getting the Completion of the mission at 90% and get t. These are the setup missions for the offshore route of the merryweather heist. Business, Economics, and Finance. Fly the submarine to the test site. HELP!You can only collect these Treasures when scoping out Cayo Perico, and cannot be obtained during a Heist. - CTRL + ALD + DEL, or ALT+TAB, or any combination to go to. The more shares the more fluctuation of profit. Empty the cash registers using a melee attack. Everything was fine up until the helicoptor. I've even replayed the Scouting the Port mission to see if that would work. Does anyone know how long you have to wait for the call or what might be happening? you’ve probably not done a mission needed to progress. About Rickie Lukens: In the long run, I believe it is better to take Rickie on this first heist (The Jewel Store Job) due to his low cut, and one of the gold medal objectives requiring the player to steal the jewelry within fifty seconds (Rickie's limit). I read a lot of posts from people with the same problem, but without a solution. Context: Lester has founded a location that many of goods pass through the hangar for. Three of them are located north of the. You have to play with Franklin and wait for a. I'm doing the Merryweather Heist and chose the path that has Franklin covering Michael from the bridge and now I am stuck. During the particular heist, the player will then use the getaway vehicle to escape. The Big One (silent approach) is sh*t too: you literally walk in, take the gold, walk out. It has like 2 or 3 destinations. Trevor called Franklin to tell him to get his shooting skills up, so I took Franklin to the shooting range. Our GTA 5 guide will help you transport the minisub near the training grounds, show where to find the underwater cargo, and how to get back to the airport. However, This can affect the outcome and payout of the heist. Jump on the dinghi and kill the two merryweather helis (shot out the pilot or. The plan is to steal a secret device from Merryweather and, therefore, there are two approaches to completing this heist: Offshore and Freighter. Favorite Boards. Second, use the following information about how different stocks react. But there is a certain moment in the mission that Michael enters inside the cargo ship and you can't Switch, so. And I have died and slept multiple times as Trevor and Micheal. can someone help me figure out what I need to do to trigger the Merryweather heist. The bridge near which Franklin will be deployed with a sniper rifle. . HELP!Business, Economics, and Finance. I can switch weapons or even look at my weapon wheel and it wont let me zoom. In the heist where you break into the freighter (On the route just called "Freighter", not offshore. Way to unlock: You need to complete one of the missions connected with the FIB skyscraper heist (The Bureau Raid), i. The protagonists also have no idea what they are stealing until the container is open. Merryweather Heist. I took the Freighter approach. Hey Guys Don't know if something has jacked up, I've completed stealing the sub for the merryweather heist, but for some stupid reason the game won't trigger the next bit after this. Exit the store and walk about three car lengths away. Takedown request View complete answer on sportskeeda. So im actually trying to do Merryweather Heist but there is no preparation mission showing up. Minisub is a heist setup in Grand Theft Auto V, given to protagonist Trevor Philips. The Merryweather Heist in GTA V is an extensive mission that involves stealing weapons from a Merryweather Security-owned freighter. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. All the player must do is obtain a random appropriate vehicle, drive it to a particular location, then call Lester or Michael to confirm the vehicle's location. Enter the building through the front doors and then take the elevator to the top. Heists include: The Jewel Store Job, The Merryweather Heist, The Paleto Score, The Bureau Raid, and The Big Score. Ty. When you arrive at the airstrip, get into the Cargobob and fly up and use the hook to latch onto the submersible. Is there something I need to do next ? maybe I'm missing something? Missions completed , looked on the brief ect , but just can't move foward passed this point. After playing this mission again and looking closer, it seems as. I chose the freighter option for the heist and when I was controlling Franklin, I'm unable to zoom in with the sniper rifle. When the mission begins, enter the L. PART 1: THE DRIVE advertisement After the opening cutscene, get into Franklin 's car and drive over to the waypoint at the bridge over LS Docks. -Complete within 14:30. Pause, go to settings, go to controls, and turn off "allow movement when zoomed" This option makes all sniper rifles behave like the marksman rifle, so turn it off. Just save what progress you have and reload thw save. But since I chose the offshore route I needed to complete the flying school with Micheal (I completed it), and I needed to train Franklin at the shooting range (That one I have also completed). 1. 3k more. Try going back to the airstrip where you landed the cargobob, it should be on the helipad there. I choose the offshore option and stole the submarine. I was wondering if anyone knows how. I'm stuck with either what I had before, or if I did in the previous wave, the first weapon I pick up. Changing lobbies but being put back into the same one. The last main mission I can remember is stealing the submarine (hiest setup), and getting a call from Trevor saying mike should go to flight school. This page of the guide to Grand Theft Auto V has a walkthrough for mission 34 - The Merryweather Heist - the offshore variant. Defend against the Merryweather attacks on your way. The Merryweather Heist is the second Heist mission in IGN's Grand Theft Auto 5 Walkthrough. After the cutscene at Floyd's apartment, get into a 4-door vehicle and drive to the airstrip. ° GTA V mission in chronological order, and it takes place in Los Santos. Derailed is a Trevor & Michael mission in IGN's Grand Theft Auto 5 Walkthrough. Crypto Getaway Vehicle (Blitz Play Vehicle) By Vampire Horde , Jared Petty , Jon Ryan , +151. updated Oct 9, 2022. I can enable the thermal cam but zoom is a no go. Using the car and the mini-map, navigate your way over to and catch up with the target. Alternatively, one can acquire the Railgun. Weird wood platforms appear in this mission, and it seems to be an indicator to when. There are two approaches to the heist which have to be chosen by Trevor in the mission Scouting The Port. Get in Trevor's truck. My game had nothing else to do, so I completed his mission. This guide will highlight the main mission strategies and Gold Medal requirements needed to complete. Move a bit closer to it and when the icon in the mini map changes from the blue chopper to the red circle, blow it up. (Usually it's the Merryweather heist mission that's before the Blitz mission) Once that's completed you will then be prompted to start the Blitz mission at it's given location. Any fixes? Merryweather Heist Bug. Which option is better for the Merryweather heist? If you choose Offshore, Trevor suggests that Michael increase his flying skills. Aim your weapon at the hostages (do not shoot) to make them walk over to the neighboring storage room. Use Trackify to find the weapon. Joined: 08/18/2014. Cheats. I took flight lessons with Michael (took ALL lessons) and went to the shooting range. ADR_Lavey 8 years ago #1. We did all the flight school missions, did. First thing you will need to get for the heist is the submarine, head to the HS way point when it becomes available. The Merryweather Heist in GTA V is an extensive mission that involves stealing weapons from a Merryweather Security-owned freighter. Question on display/camera. Here’s everything you need to know about the Merryweather Heist in Grand. 2 - GTA 5 Merryweather Heist Step-By-Step Walkthrough. hotel mission or else you cant progress. Merryweather heist . When the mission starts, get in your vehicle and drive over to the FIB building. (Video) GTA 5- STORY MODE MONEY GLITCH. Its kind of annoying cause now im stuck and cant go fureter in the story. Cayo Perico Merryweather Weapons Guide. I'm doing the Merryweather Heist and chose the path that has Franklin covering Michael from the bridge and now I am stuck. Pavel briefs the player. Alright so, I chose the Freighter option for the Merryweather Heist, and I haven't heard from anyone since. As. As far as I remember that was actually a bit weird, as sometimes you'll see correspondent hints about this, sometimes you won't. (Video) Which Stocks to Buy in GTA 5 Story Mode!The Multi-Target Assassination. Los Santos International Airport. Merryweather Heist Bug. Get in a vehicle. You could also be in a bugged lobby, try finding a new session. typical racist american propaganda b. Franklin arrives at Michael De Santa's house looking for him. Im halfway through trevors heist and it switches me to franklin. Id love some help thanks. Quickly enter the red Vacca behind the limo and zoom over to the house. Once an approach has been chosen for the heist, the player has to choose a gunman. When I was playing the merryweather heist everything went perfect and I got the bomb and brought it back but when the mission finished it said that they sold the bomb for 20,000,000 and it said underneath that "void sale cost" -20,000,000 and I looked down and Michael Trevor and franklyns cut were on. 3. -Find the container within 02:00. Mission 1 - Prologue full walkthrough. (Franklin) Protect Michael as he plants the bombs. There is a guard up there that you can either sneak past or take out. Enter the building through the front doors and then take the elevator to the top. 4 billion from the stock market however I don’t know how to start it. All in Order Challenge: Complete all heist setups and finales in order: $1,000,000 bonus. Why would you put an option in the game that effectively ends t. Just a part of the game to make it more realistic as to getting paid on everything you do. I was reading online that once these are completed, an "H" will appear at Floyd. Steal the Garbage Truck - Head to Mirror Park to find the truck, then bring it to a stop and acquire it for yourself. But since I chose the offshore route I needed to complete the flying school with Micheal (I completed it), and I needed to train Franklin at the shooting range (That one I have also completed). Headshots: Kill 12 enemies with a headshot. -Complete within 14:30. I've skipped this mission once or twice, after that I always do it like this and quite enjoy blowing up Merryweather troops. Lester is in the hospital but Trevor says they saved 20% of the cut. TREVOR'S PERSPECTIVE. Give it a minute ir two and Wade should call and let you know everything's a go for the heist. I believe it's incontrovertibly related to one of the red X's on the mural. Bring the weapon up to the surface. I have started the merryweather heist setup but now I’m stuck after I’ve gone to flight school I don’t know what to do. ) every time i get to the part after Mike goes inside, I can't zoom in with Franklin. Btw, i did all the other main missions, did a few random People missions, and completed flight school with michael. You don't get a call for that. Btw, i did all the other main missions, did a few random People missions, and completed flight school with michael. For the first wave, a gang of. Nope cant finish it that way. His waypoint is down a set of stairs at the side of the bridge. I have completed everything I needed to such as the strangers and freaks and hotel assassination but the heist setups still wont pop up is there anything I can do to fix. PC PlayStation 3 PlayStation 5 Xbox 360 Xbox Series X Xbox One. Reviews. I think I found why it glitches, I did the sonar jammer heist setup at least 5 times in different lobbies and never worked, to make it work you have to find a new lobby and leave the ceo your in and register again before starting the setup and when coming out of the submarine that you stole the sonar hammer from, wait until the top left notification that says that the. In the first part you just have to quickly clear out all the foot soldiers, park the MK II by the trailer, snap a pic and send it to Sessanta quickly. Jets will pass in front of the helicopter, before you drop the sub. P. News. Pre-Requisite Missions: Scouting the Port, Minisub, Cargobob. Snipe the two guards. It is the fifth heist mission in the game that protagonists Michael De Santa and Franklin Clinton execute. two-seater sportscars won't work), the getaway location can't be too close to the heist location and can't be on or directly at a road. 3. Avoiding Merryweather HQ heist prep is actually quite simple. Notify me about new: Guides. The crew manage to get around $8,016,020 during this heist. I just don't have any missions on my map. In order to be close enough, you will need to be around the docks in southeastern Los Santos,. This mission is the worst. . The Merryweather Heist. PC PlayStation 3 PlayStation 5 Xbox 360 Xbox Series X Xbox One. hotel mission or else you cant progress. Favorite Boards. Here’s everything you need to know about the Merryweather Heist in Grand Theft Auto V. Getaway Vehicle is a heist setup in Grand Theft Auto V. I went through all heists to determine the "marked" options. If you chose the Freighter variant, check out its separate page. I can enable the thermal cam but zoom is a no go. Complete in under 14:30. This mission is the Heist Finale for one of the possible approaches that can be chosen for this heist. This guide will highlight the main mission strategies and Gold Medal requirements needed to complete. mission 68 (dressing up as firefighters) or mission 69 (roof entry). Bridge - After the scene has come to a close, drive Franklin to the bridge, then go to the vantage point and call Michael. The Merryweather Heist is the second Heist mission in Grand Theft Auto 5. Why won't the merryweather heist start? I have chosen the approach and am waiting. Merryweather Heist is one of the single-player heist missions included in Grand Theft Auto V. Not receiving Elite bonuses after completing the Casino Heist. Players can choose to use stealth or brute force to complete the mission. Solution 1: Check Zoom settings. I've done all missions for all characters up to and including By the Book, and I can't even get the setup missions to trigger. Then you HAVE to go to rockford hills. PART 1: CASING THE BUILDING. Trophy/Achievement – Subversive (Bronze/20) 100 percent Completion Requirements (Gold) -Eliminate all pursuing Merryweather enemies. Kosatka is a prep mission featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of The Cayo Perico Heist update, and a free roam mission that can be completed at any time while The Cayo Perico Heist strand is active. ° GTA V mission in chronological order, and it takes place in Los Santos. The Merryweather Heist (Freighter) The Merryweather Heist (Freighter) is a main story mission in Grand Theft Auto V given by Trevor Philips , involving protagonist Michael De Santa, Franklin Clinton and Trevor Philips . - go in the game, unpause. I'm doing the Merryweather Heist and chose the path that has Franklin covering Michael from the bridge and now I am stuck. The Merryweather Heist Freighter Approach Synopsis With the information Trevor has secured at the Port of Los Santos, he starts planning out the approach he needs to take for the score. Cheats. stuck after Flight school/ merryweather heist setup. Wait for FlyUS stock to yield a 158% return, then sell all of it. Ron calls and says Merryweather is definitely guarding serious military hardware below deck on the freighter. I also can't start any missions, at all. once you enter the merryweather submarine, there should be a box full. AFTER the final mission they'll give you the money from the final heist & then you can invest in the assassin missions and make billions with all 3 characters. Notify me about new: Guides. In this mission Michael, Trevor and Franklin Steal a Nuke which is guarded by Mili. See All. When you do the Casino Heist The Big Con using Bugstars entry, Lester says: we took down a jewel store before with these uniforms. Fast travel your Kosatka to Elysian Island spawn for $2k. El Rubio's island has an extensive sonar network, and the Kosatka will need a jammer to approach the island. After completing "The Big Score" FlyUS stock should yield a 100% return; invest all money made from "The Big Score" in it. The Big Score (Obvious) The Big Score is the final Heist Mission in IGN's Grand Theft Auto 5 Walkthrough. But there is a certain moment in the mission that Michael enters inside the cargo ship and you can't Switch, so you can't shoot them without zooming. In order tocomplete the third FIB mission, By the Book, you need to receive a phone callwhile… Once you’ve done the heist preparations, head to the H on the map to begin this heist. When you're ready, Trevor must steal a cargobob so they can transport the Submersible to the ocean. I did the Merryweather Heist nearly a week ago. Using the Submersible, Trevor looks for the device along the ocean floor and. Mission 32 - The Merryweather Heist - the Freighter variant full walkthrough. I have completed everything I needed to such as the strangers and freaks and hotel assassination but the heist setups still wont pop up is there anything I can do to fix. Zee Jay May 29, 2015 @ 10:00am. Heist Set Up. GTA 5 Gold Medal Walkthrough - Mission #29 - The Merryweather Heist (Freighter), recorded in full HD.